I’m Back!

After a slight layoff of almost five years, I’m back to posting. I’ve been gaming (and painting) Anyway, here are some pics from our battle from last weekend, around 1700 points of Iron Hands and Blood Angels beat the snot out of roughly the same amount of Orks!

No battle report this time, however.

But expect more to come!

Or not, hell maybe I’m lying and this is it!

Battle Report! Blood Angels vs Orks!

‘Ere we go, the long awaited battle between Blood Angels and Bad Moon Orks! This is the first time I’ve had my Orks on a battlefield since 3rd Edition! (even if I wasn’t the one playing them)


It doesn’t get any more realistic than this!

Blood Angels, 2000 points:

HQ 212 points


Sanginary Priest

ELITES 280 points

14 Death Company marines

TROOPS 88 Points

5 scouts with sniper rifles, scout sergeant with Storm Bolter

HEAVY SUPPORT 864 points

Baal Predator with twin assault cannon/ heavy bolter sponsons

Predator with twin las-cannon/heavy bolter sponsons

Whirlwind with Castellan missiles

Whirlwind with Castellan missiles

10 Devastators with 4 heavy bolters

10 Devastators with 4 heavy bolters

LORD OF WAR 556 points

Knight Crusader W/ Avenger Gatling cannon, Rapid-fire Battle cannon, Ironstorm missile pod, heavy stubber, heavy flamer


Bad Moon Orks, 1993 points:

HQ 267 points

3 Warbosses w/2 Power Klaws & 1 big choppa

Boss Snikrot

ELITES 458 points

3 Nobs W/ Waaagh banner

15 Kommandos w/ 6 flamers

Troops 724 points

120 Boyz

Heavy Support 544 points

9 lootas w/ Mekaniak

Morkanaut W/Kustom Mega Kannon, Kustom Mega Blasta, Rokkit Launcha, twin big shoots, Klaw of Gork




Awaiting the Green Tide!


The Battle, round 1!

Since the Blood Angels finished setting up first, I decided to reluctantly take the first turn. Reluctant, because the Orks were almost entirely out of range of my shooting. My opponent Warboss Andy solved that problem by promptly seizing the initiative (shocking) and going first.

This helped me quite a bit, because I wasn’t tempted (or able) to move out of my position, which was set up specifically to deny his Kommandos from popping up in my backfield and causing havoc.


The Orks all advanced, while The Morkanaut with half of the Lootas with their Mekaniak rode along inside. The other half of the Lootas and the Mork shot at the Baal Predator, inflicting a few wounds on it, but doing no real harm.

Hell yeah, 8th edition! In previous editions, that fucker would’ve blown up like a firecracker!


Get marchin’ ya skum!


Having no better targets, the Kommandos, along with Snikrot, popped up into some woods by the scouts, and promptly charged in (minus Snikrot, and 5 Kommandos who couldn’t make it) Two of them got cut down on the way, but the rest pressed home and wiped out the scouts to a man!



Blood Angels:

Apart from the Death Company and Astorath, everybody stays put.

Both Whirlwinds shoot the advancing Slugga Ork boyz…killing one.

Predator shoots lascannons at Morkanaut and misses. The side-bolters kill a few Kommandos.

The Baal mows down a bunch of advancing shoota boyz, and the Red Devastators do the same!


We are ACTUAL Blood Angels Devastaors, dammit!

The Blue Devastators wipe out the Kommandos that charged the scouts!


Crimson Fists? Us? What makes you think that?

The Knight spreads the goodness around, shooting the Morkanaut, blowing Snikrot off of the map with the Avenger Gatling Cannon, and peppering a few boyz for good measure.

DC and ‘ol Astie drop down from the heavens to inflict some pain on the Lootas, by bolt-pistoling them to death! Since the intended target is now dead, they opt to charge a squad of 30 boys…and fail. Two of them get shot for their efforts.

This is gonna get real ugly in a minute…

Round 2


The Boyz keep advancing, except for the squad facing Astorath and the Death Company. They get moved back towards those doomed souls.

The Morkanaut drops off the remaining Lootas, who shoot at Astorath…and do zero damage!


Time fer yer ta leg it, lads!

The Morkanaut then shoots at the Knight, knocking off a few points.

Then 29 boyz (minus 1 that gets shot going in) charge Astorath and 12 Death Company marines!


Here they come!

The Orks get a stupid amount of attacks, something like 140 altogether…and still only manage to kill 7 DC marines! The Nobz accompanying them, however, just manage to wipe out Astorath, which causes the remaining DC to flee!

Blood Angels:

Red Devastators and the Baal Predator shoot the shit out of a squad of advancing Ork Shoota boyz. The other Predator shoots at the Mork and misses (again) then bolters the few remaining shoota boyz. Thank the Emperor for split-fire!

The Whirlwinds underperform again, killing a handful of Slugga boyz.

The Blue Devastators kill all of the remaining Kommandos save for two.

The Knight guns down almost all of the remaining Shoota boyz, missiles a Loota to death, and fails to damage the Morkanaut whatsoever!


That out-of-focus yellow blob sure is heading this way in a hurry…


Round 3


The orks keep charging! (except for the boyz that chewed up Astorath and the Death Company; They’re now hopelessly out of position)


Keep goin’ lads!

The Morkanaut and Lootas unload everything they’ve got on the Baal Predator…and fail to hurt it!


Blood Angels:

The Red devastators and Baal Predator  shoot the Slugga Boyz on the right, mowing down a fair number.

Both Whirlwinds combine to finally wipe the remaining Shoota boyz out.

The Blue Devastators and Knight unload on the Slugga boyz in the center, killing quite a few. The Knight also lobs some missiles at the Lootas, killing another one.

The Predator shoots at the Morkanaught and misses for the THIRD time. In order to make up for that error, it lights up the center Slugga Boyz for a few more casualties.


‘Ere we go! The orks get ready to close!


Round 4


The Morkanaut unloads everything at the Blue Devastators, killing three marines.

The Lootas shoot the Baal Predator, doing a few more points of damage, hampering its effectiveness ever so slightly.

The center Ork squad charges the other Predator, takes a couple of casualties going in, but don’t manage to kill it.


‘Ave some of dis choppa, ya humie skum! Why ain’t it dyin’ boss?


The remaining Ork Boyz try to charge the Baal…and fail. Then Warboss Andy tries a re-roll…and fails again! Bad news for the Bad Moons!


“Charge! Nar? Whatcha mean, nar we ain’t chargin’?”


Blood Angels:

The hammer of Baal comes down hard indeed! The Red Devastators, whirlwinds, and Baal Predator unleash hell on the Orks that failed their charge! They get blown off of the table!

The Blue Devastators shoot up the Morkanaut, softening it for the eventual fury of the Knight!

The Knight unloads on the Morkanaut, and BOOM goes the Dynamite! The Mork explodes with a terrific ball of fire!


I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!

The Knight also kills a Loota for good measure with a missile, then charges into the embattled Orks fighting the Predator!


That was pretty much the game!





Bikes! Death Company! Something Else!


The Meltagun is in focus. That’s the important part.

The bikes are done!

Interestingly enough, these are the fist Space Marine bikers I’ve ever painted! And I’ve been playing this game since about 1994!

So yeah, they turned out decently enough, I suppose.

Except for the crappy spray sealant, which made the paint job look…misty… I guess.


But even better, I finished the DEATH COMPANY miniatures! The last five out of fifteen! Now I’m really ready for 8th edition!


No more striking last in combat, bitch!


With the Death Company done, now it’s time to take a little break from Blood Angels, as I now finally have enough painted for a proper 2000 point game.


What then, am I going to paint?

Including Blood Angels, I have a total of eight armies for 40k: Crimson Fist Marines, Chaos Marines, Eldar, Tyranids, Necrons, Imperial Guard, and Orks.

The Crimson Fists, Chaos Marines, and Eldar are all pretty much done (Okay, the Biel Tan Eldar are only about halfway there) so out of the rest, I think the most likely choice is Orks.

Let’s get this WAAAAGH started!



Scratch-built Dred! It’s dead ‘ard!


My Orks have been neglected for a long time. I have Space Orks that date all the way back to the Rogue Trader era that I picked up to add to games of Space Hulk, probably around 1990 or so.



GorkaMorka-era Wartrakks! Finally ready to fight!


I’ve got Ork crap from every edition to date, but I don’t think I’ve fielded an army since 3rd edition, or maybe 4th.

All that changes as of now!

The Blood Angels are official on hold, ’cause here come da Orks!



Rogue Trader dreadnaught! Now it’s a Killer Kan! (gonna need a repaint, though)

Even better, we should soon have a new battle report! Exciting times!

Assault marines inbound!


Assault Marines don’t hold still for ANYTHING!

With the impending release of 8th edition, now is the time to get these guys ready for action! Normally I never bother to field assault marines, because normally assault is such a pain in the ass.

You can deep strike, but you gotta sit there for a turn and get shot to pieces, that’s if you didn’t scatter off the board. You can chuck the jump packs and stick ’em in a transport (a Rhino if you’re cheap, a Land Raider if you’re spendy) but then that fucking thing gets one-shotted and the dazed survivors have to slog it across the board on foot anyway.

You can just start bounding across the board and hope all of the dangerous terrain tests don’t thin out your squads too much, and then still end up striking last in close combat right after you get riddled by snap fire while going in.

But now I hear that 8th is gonna be the Close Combat edition!

Glory to the Emperor!

As long as I’m going with a Fast Attack theme for the moment, here’s another long-neglected unit (by me) space Marine bikes!

These beauties are next, to be followed by the remaining marines in the DEATH COMPANY!

Mephiston, Lord of Death! (and pals)


I’m just here to kick ass. Nevermind the bubblegum.

When I sorted through all of the Blood Angel miniatures that I got from the Fallen Gamer’s estate sale, I quickly found that I had acquired all of the characters, minus Tycho.

And let’s be honest, you really need TWO versions of that guy.

The first one that I decided to get out of the way was good ol’ Mephiston. Being as Close Combat is apparently gonna be a thing in 8th edition, I have high hopes for this Sonofabitch.

Now, he’s probably going to be running around with the Death Company, but in case not, and also just because, I went ahead and painted up the Sternguard Veterans that I had sitting in the miniature case of holding.



Aaaagh! Leggo of me, giant! Oh wait…no fear…no fear…


I have these same guys painted up with my Crimson Fist army, but I kinda like the newbies better. But that’s more than likely just the ‘New Miniature Factor’ talking.


Overpriced, yes. Cool as shit looking, yes again. To be perfectly honest, I almost never, ever run Sternguard (or Vanguard) marines. But hey, I’ve got ’em, so I might as well paint ’em right?


Finally, here’s the next unit on the painting block, JUMP MARINES!


“Might as well…”

Devastators: Done!

I finally got these suckers knocked out!


We are ready to mow some (lightly armoured) shit down!

I still have another devastator squad left to paint, but that one is armed with more reasonable things, like Lascannons and Missile Launchers, as opposed to simply ork killers  Imperial Guard killers  Astra Milti  Heavy Bolters.

Actually, I’ve been a busy little bee painting away getting ready for 8th edition!

By the Emperor’s Teeth, it looks glorious!

And even better, it doesn’t look like a Byzantine mess of a rule system. Hell, it actually looks…dare I say it…fun?

But man, I’ll be damned if I ditch my hundreds and hundreds of Space Marines for those damn Primaris Marines!

They’re so tall, though…

Next up, some Command units!

Things that blow up things!


The mighty Dreadnaught! (Well, maybe they’ll be mighty in 8th edition…)

Even though they never seem to last that long for me on the tabletop, I’ve always loved Dreadnaughts!

This one came in the original grab-bag that I got from the estate sale where I picked up the Blood Angels collection. All of my other Dreads are from 2nd edition, and therefore are made of metal- except for my scratch-built Ork Dred.

If we ever get around to doing that Ork-Blood Angels battle, I’ll post some pics of it on here.


Besides the Dreadnaught, I’ve also started on these guys:


Devastator Marines! Armed with Ork-killin’ Heavy Bolters!

Yeah, I know I said I was sick of painting Blood Angels, but maybe I was just sick of painting Blood Angel scouts.


So that means these guys are up next!

Predator tank, ready to be destroyed!


I’m cheaper than a Land Raider! And less of a target, too!

Ah, the ubiquitous Predator tank! A mainstay of every Space Marine army, and better on your wallet than a Land Raider as well!

I already have a Baal Predator in the collection, painted by our Lost Gamer:

Stormraven and Baal Predator

Ooh, lookit the Flying (not as tough) Land raider!

But now I have a base (well, I guess not base, considering all of the Las-cannons) Predator for a total of two.

I don’t usually run with vehicles all that often, because of the tendency for them to get destroyed so easily. (and thus ruining your entire day)

Anyhow, vehicles always paint up quick for me, as opposed to infantry. So I guess this has rejuvenated my desire to paint Blood Angels, which means the TOTALLY DIFFERENT * things will have to wait a bit. Instead, I’ll paint a Dreadnaught.

*I don’t play Bolt Action, I play Disposable Heroes. But you use the same crap, and I have that boxed set.

The scouts are finally done!


Ready to snipe!

Man! It only took me a month to get these bastards done! So I suppose it was inevitable that progress would slow down; painting is time-consuming.

Plus, sad to say I’m getting mighty sick of painting Blood Angels to the exclusion of everything else!

On the other hand, I think these fellas turned out alright:

Next up, as promised- the Predator tank!


“I’m here! Shoot me! Kill me now!”

After the Predator, however…it’ll be something TOTALLY DIFFERENT.

Scout squad: Work in progress


What do you mean “We don’t blend in?”

Space Marine Scouts!

Who doesn’t love ’em?

How do any of these assholes survive to become full-fledged Space Marines?

I’ve decided to paint these guys in traditional Blood Angels scout colors, even though white clothing (and white gloves on at least a couple of them) doesn’t make a whole hell of a lot of sense for a stealth unit.

But it’s the Grimdark Far Future® so who cares, right?

Anyhow, the primer was layered so thick on some of these figures that I had to strip it off and start from bare metal.

My paint-stripper of choice is the highly toxic, yet highly effective Goof Off. Beware, it will eat plastic like a hot knife through butter!

With some luck, I’ll have the rest of these guys done by next week, then I guess it’s time to start on a vehicle.

Maybe the Predator?